Road Trip Day 7 Back to HTX

Let me tell you… that last glance at the ocean made turning in those keys that much harder. It is crazy how this all began. I was so afraid. And how it all ended…

This girl left with all the fear in her heart, and came back with none.

Coming back to HTX left me with a few feelings of sadness because it was now over. But, I figured it was going to have to be a personal choice to…

1. See this trip as over…or just the beginning of many more to come

2. To harness yesterday and prevent today from galloping forward

3. Choose to focus so much on yesterday, I miss the beauty in the now

Sometimes coming off of vacation gets really difficult….but, because I know this won’t be the last time…my heart is full and my mind must adjust…the best part though…I get to keep those moments in my heart, my photos, and blog. Whenever I want, I can sit and just remember, as if it was just yesterday. Sitting and thinking is an art that is so overlooked. When we finish something we immediately hop into the next thing thinking that will fill us up like the next thing. Well, from my experience, it doesn’t work that way. I end up just missing the moments that truly take my breath away because I am so focused on the next one. I promised myself one thing…that wasn’t going to be my story this time!

So….a plan is a must…

Yes, the trip is over, but like I said in my earlier post, this trip was so much more than a car rental, beach visit, or beautiful weather…

This trip was about the moments that have taken my breath away.

Each and every story now engrained in my heart.

Most importantly, the relationship I have with God.

So for me…the best thing I can do is not plan and go on another trip, but put into place small things to help build habits to continue this journey and protect what I already have experienced.

So, how do I feel lead to do this…

1. God gets my first…my first thought, my first thank you

2. No excuses on my morning quiet time. Yes, this is hard in the begininng…but is the most importsnt part of my day and life. It use to be hard, but now my spirit reminds me lol. Just start somewhere!! Who cares if it is only 5 minutes for one day out of the week in your car during lunch!! God sees your heart!

3. Praying over my day and my attitude

4. Praying to be used throughout the day

5. Praying for others

6. Remembering prayer is just talking to God. He is my best friend! He cares soooooooo much!!

7. Finding ways to serve others throughout my day

8. Connecting with like minded people that care

9. Attending counseling to help me sharpen my tool set to become a better me, friend, daughter, sister, employee, etc. Some people shy away from counseling…but honestly…I think it is important to have…

1. A life coach

2. Someone to share the baggage

3. Seperate the hard stuff from everyday life

4. Learn to build healthy relationships. Because, let’s be honest we don’t always know how. Or better yet, we may think we know how, but there is a much better way. Yea I am def. Putting my pride aside and going with a better way lol! I found a christian counselor that is 65 years old!

5. Remembering it will get tough (our days get hard, people can be difficult, life happens, etc) BUT, We have a friend, an advocate, a world maker, situation changer…do I need to continue) call on Him!

6. I plan on taking my time to transition back into everyday things. Now, I think it is important to protect what I have with God so…

Will that friendhsip help the relationship I already have

Will running to that ex help the relationship I already have

Will binge watching that show help the relationship I already have

Ask yourself…if the answer is no…..well be strong and have FAITH and know it isn’t worth it the relationship you have with God.

This is what God taught me…

1. Yes, this joruney of CHRISTIANITY is HARD

2. Your walk in life will not look the same as what it use to before our relationship developed. Certain things you will not have the desire to do anymore

..somethings you will begin to desire over others….

Worshiping, serving, praying, reading your bible, community, time

It is called growing up!

I don’t want my relationship to look the same. Just like I wouldn’t want to act the same way at 30 that I did at 18.

But, in the end, the choice is ours.

7. Time! Time waits for know one and is like a brisk wind…the Bible says…and it is soo true….an entire week of travel and it flew by…that is part of what makes coming back so hard. But, I understand because this is the way time was meant to work. It is not meant to last

forever. We already squander it…what would we do if we actually had forever…

So, phones down…and in place of it

1. Reading

2. Walking

3. Serving

4. Talking and laughing

5. Creating moments that make you never want to leave

My trip didn’t end when I got on the plane…there is no ending when you think about it….to me…there is only…

Until the next time…

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